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What Is The Preemie Closet?

Updated: Aug 30, 2021

"Dealing with preemie babies and the NICU is already super stressful. The last thing I wanted to do when my twins were there was to worry about what they would wear when they finally got to go home. So if I can help even just one family avoid the kind of stress I felt, then I’ll happily continue to do this for as long as I’m able to..."

Ana Martinez; Mom to Santiago (6m), Lucas & Carlos (3yrs) & keeper of the "Preemie Closet".

"The first time we learned about “preemie” clothes was after our eldest daughter spent time in NICU and came home (at 4lbs) wearing two hospital shirts; one on her top half, and the other creatively turned upside down to work as a bottom. In a panic we bought our first “preemie” sized clothes but found the additional cost (and stress!) meant we only got a couple of items for those first few weeks at home. When we joined WLAPOM a few years later, and were expecting our boy/girl twins, we saw “Preemie Closet” on the club website and knew instantly that this was a club offering we could not miss out on..."

Mary Nockles; Mom to Matilda (5yrs), Hunter & Eve (3yrs).

The Preemie Closet has been a free service of WLAPOM since the club began. With the average birth weight of twins being 5.5lbs each (slightly less for triplets) and most “newborn” outfits being intended for babies weighing 6-9lbs, this members-only library of “preemie” size clothes (for babies up to 6lbs) has always been considered a club essential.

It is stocked by clothing donations from fellow club members, and you can borrow items for as long as you need them. Wether you spend time in NICU, or not, this is a service which you can take advantage of whilst your newborns are under 6lbs. When you’re done, you return the items to the closet for other members to use, and you can include additional donated items if you wish.

The Preemie Closet is managed by WLAPOM Board member, Ana Martinez. Ana's twins (Carlos and Lucas) came a full 5 weeks early and both spent time in NICU. She had left work for a routine checkup at lunchtime; and never made it back to the office that afternoon. She knows full well how it feels to have multiples in NICU; and the stress of getting your newborns home (and fully clothed!) in those first few weeks. She doesn't want anyone else to miss out on this great resource:

"I started doing it because my own twins were preemies. It was such an unnecessary stress to look for preemie clothes when they were coming out of the NICU (staggered, of course). And I didn’t know WLAPOM had this resource available even though I was already a member..."

You can use the preemie closet simply by emailing to begin the process.

Make sure you don't miss out!

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