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WLAPOM Class Of '22-'23


Each summer we vote in a team of volunteers who run WLAPOM together. It's our shared goal to run the club smoothly, provide support to members and ensure that everyone has fun.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new friends and get an instant boost of community spirit - and we're always looking for more help!

If you see any position here which you'd like to take on, or just to give some support, please let us know by emailing

Welcome to the WLAPOM Class of '22-'23! We look forward to seeing you soon...

President: Theresa Troupson

Vice President and General Counsel: Clare Le

Secretary: Christina Pitcher

Membership & Fundraising Chair: Rocki Davidson

Treasurer: Steve Esmond

Technical Director: Tram Le-Jones

NICU/Bedrest: Kathryn Castro and Nicole McDonald

Bereavement: Nicole McDonald

MoA National Representative: Sandy Harber

Marketing: Lauren Mulenos

New/Expectant Parents Meeting: Rosalind Napoli

New Parent Classes: Joanna Fryt

Events: Taryn Conant and Christine Mai-Duc

General Support: Traci Wells

OPEN positions:


Manages/Updates the bookkeeping, classifies transactions, produces profit and loss reports, produces budget reports, manages the annual filings, collects funds at holiday party, writes checks, makes sense out of numbers and completes any state or national forms. Also is the bank contact.

Assistant Treasurer:

Supports Treasurer. Arranges dues and sends monthly new member listing to national (Multiples Of America).

Multiple Helpings Chair/Co-Chair:

Seeks, responds to, and services families in need of WLAPOM charity. Purchase items and ship to their homes. Advise the club of needs and how we supported.

Multiple Meals Chair:

Helps new families or families going through a difficult time in their lives by coordinating families to donate meals. Finds members to drop a store bought or home cooked meal to the family. All coordinated through Meal Train (online).

Speaker Coordinator:

Schedules the parent education offered to the membership in the WLAPOM Speaker Series. Scouts and books locations for meetings either in members’ homes or public location/event center.


Oversees the production of the monthly newsletter. Plans layout/topics, requests content and pictures, writes/edits as appropriate

Premie Closet:

Manages premie clothing donations and coordinates lending to families expecting or already delivered premie multiples.

Fundraising/Philanthropy Chair:

Plans and coordinates activities and/or events that raise money for our philanthropy Multiples Helpings. With volunteers, they will seek out beneficial partners, companies, and products etc that would benefit the fundraising goals. Sometimes includes garage sales too!

Social Media:

Engages with prospective members and existing members via Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Subgroup Coordinator:

Encourages and supports the subgroups in building community via online engagement and in-person meet-ups.

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