WELCOME TO THE CLUB! POMLA, formerly WLAPOM, established in 1993, is a social support group with hundreds of members that offers advice, encouragement and resources for parents with multiples or expecting multiples. We are there every step of the way, from pregnancy through childhood, to celebrate the joys and challenges unique to raising multiples.

Expectant Parent Support Group:
Monthly informational meetings to discuss topics such as bed rest, premature labor, breast feeding, sleep issues, childcare, equipment suggestions, and much more. Moms, Dads, and significant others/partners are all welcome!
Online Forum:
Members are able to post messages and questions, offer support and provide referrals, including recommendations for nannies, doctors and exclusive discounts with major companies.
Preemie Clothes Closet:
We provide our members with free access to our Preemie Closet, stocked
by clothing donations from fellow club members.
Participate in playdates arranged for children the same age as yours and meet other parents who are sharing your journey.
Club Events:
Our family events and adult-only events offer a great opportunity to meet other families and parents of multiples in your area.
Multiple Helpings:
Our POMLA philanthropy donates necessities (diapers/wipes/formula) to families of multiples in the greater Los Angeles area who are in need
Classified Ads:
Our advertising section provides a space to buy
and sell items.
Monthly Seminars with Parenting Experts:
Highly respected speakers are selected to provide information geared toward multiples. Past speaker topics have included developmental psychology, child safety, baby proofing, sibling rivalry, nutrition, marriage and family life.
Multiple Meals:
Our members volunteer
to deliver meals to our members with newborns and to those who are dealing with treatment of
a medical condition of
a child or immediate
family member.
NICU/Bedrest Support:
We provide support to expectant parents of muliples who are on bed rest as well as support to parents who have preemie multiples in the NICU.
Our members are paired up with buddy members to be used as a contact resource to help and guide them through parenthood and to get better acclimated with all the resources and fun the
club has to offer.

We are Moms and Dads of twins, triplets and quads helping other Moms and Dads of multiples. We of all people know how hard it is in the first year of life with multiples. Not just the equipment needs, but the emotional support as well. New parents are not alone.
Multiple Helpings is the philanthropy arm of the non-profit Parents of Multiples Club Los Angeles (POMLA). Multiple Helpings adopts needy families of multiples in the greater Los Angeles area, and provides them with the essential goods for their babies' first year.
Gently used items are donated by POMLA club members to be passed onto the adopted family and can include cribs, strollers, bouncy seats, and electric swings. We also provide other newborn essentials including bottles, clothes, diapers, wipes, and toiletries.
Purchased items are funded by POMLA’s many fundraising efforts throughout the year. Families are provided with a packet with listings of community resources that may assist them in caring for their multiple babies. Parents are given emotional support by our volunteers, each of whom is a parent of multiples themselves. Social workers at various Los Angeles hospitals connect Multiple Helpings with potential families to adopt, and a screening process leads us to the dozens of babies who we help annually.
Raising Multiples, A MOST (Mothers of SuperTwins) Community
Twins List
The Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation, Inc.
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Twins Magazine
Below are links to other websites related to multiple births.

POMLA is an independent member club of Southern California Mothers of Multiples Clubs (SCMOMC). Your membership to POMLA also gives you membership and access to these great organizations.
If you have any questions, please email us at info@wlapom.org
Our Mailing Address:
1122 S. Robertson Blvd., Suite 12
Los Angeles, CA 90035
(424) 235-4766
Follow Us: